Next Sportsman's Show April 2nd

Army Field Gear Fishing Gear Outdoor Gear

Monday, April 3, 2017 - 7:45am

Our next Sportman's Show is April 2nd at the DuPage County Fairgrounds.  Stop by the show and enjoy searching for that perfect item  Our dealers have it all, great gear, at great prices!    

We continue with the hugely popular free door prize and food give away for each show.  All you have to do is sign up for our newsletter, you'll receive a newsletter the following month. Print the two attached tickets, bring them to the show and you'll be entered for free door prizes given away at the show and a free food item.  We’ll also have a dealer/table prize given out at each show.  All entries will be kept from each show and at the end of the year a grand prize will be drawn (see door and grand prize rules below).  The Door Prize drop off is at the PVSA raffle table.  Please take the time to check out what we are raffling each month. Be sure to stop by the PVSA raffle table before you leave to see if you have won a door prize. 

If you want to sell any of your unneeded or unwanted sporting goods, you can rent a table and sell those items at the show.  Our show chairman Mike will set you up right and help you out any way he can.  New dealers are always welcome!  For more info on a reserving a table, please go to to to the Dealer section of this website.   

Doors open at 8:00 AM and we have plenty of parking and an entrance from both the east and west sides of the building. If you're bringing a firearm to the show, please double check to make sure it's unloaded and it must remain cased while moving about the show.  Safety is our top priority. 

Be sure to stop by our kitchen and try some great breakfast or lunch items.  Art our Kitchen Chairman does a great job providing high quality comfort food! 

2017 Show Schedule:

April 2

April 30

The PVSA Sportsman's show is brought to you by the members of Pioneer Valley Sportsman's Association (a not-for-profit organization).  Our members are dedicated to the preservation of fishing, hunting and the shooting sports.  

Come out, have some fun and don't forget to bring those Free Food and Door Prize Tickets!!!  

See you at the show!


Thank You

Thank you for supporting PVSA and our 2nd Amendment Rights!

Support your right to legally own firearms - Join the IL State Rifle Assoc (ISRA) and the NRA.